Are you ready to harvest?

In our newest Beanflows 1.6.0 release we’ve added new bean status ‚Ready’.

As you know bean statuses represent the stages of the process of outcome achievement: sowing, growing, shaping, maturing, and harvesting. This new addition allows you to fine tune the final stages of bean life – harvesting a bean. It was Done-Archived sequence before, now is Ready-Done-Archived.

menu with ready status

For example… you’re working on a report, during this time the bean is ‘Active‘. When you finish the work you set ‘Ready‘ status, and perhaps next day you write email to a recipient and send the report. Let’s say it’s somewhat likely that in the future you may need to make a new report based on this one, so you set ‘Done‘ status. The bean goes out of sight but stays in the flow. A few months pass, and you’ve stopped working with this client – you set ‘Archived‘ status now.

‚Ready’ beans are shown along with other ‚In Work’ beans.

scope bar with ready status

So there are seven statuses now:

  1. Incubation –  data/information collection, gathering.
  2. Active  –  work on the bean files; bean files are edited in dedicated applications.
  3. Waiting For – indicate situation in which you can’t proceed with the work on the bean until certain event will happen.
  4. Inactive  –  the bean not to be used for some time; it is not taken into account while choosing issues to work on.
  5. Ready – the finished bean. ‘The harvest time’, the use time of an outcome, of a created file(s).
  6. Done – the done, harvested bean. It could be needed yet so it stays in the flow but is filtered out.
  7. Archived – a no longer needed bean.


You may be interested in the full content of this update.